Aqueos & Alabama Rot

Aqueos & Alabama Rot

Latest Advice on Alabama Rot
Vets are warning petowners to be on the alert for signs of a flesh-wasting bacteria which haskilled several dogs in the last couple of months.Alabama Rot, which was firstidentified in the US, is caused by E. Coli bacteria excreting toxins which causeskin lesions on a dog's body and legs - and eventual kidney failure inmany cases.

Inall cases skin lesions form on the body. Within one to nine days of the skinlesions appearing, renal shut down follows, ultimately leading to death.

Although there is no knowcure, the advice is to wash down muddy legs after walking your dog.

Aqueos is proven to killE-Coli so we would recommend either using the dog wipes or the anti-bacterialshampoo as an extra precaution.