Aqueos Canine First Aid Review
Jon Barrow from Happy Wags kindly reviewed the Aqueos Online First Aid Course
Online first aid course The thing I like mostabout this course is its ease of use. The 5+ hours of video content is brokendown into bite-size chunks of 2 to 4 minutes and you can pause, leave thewebsite, and come back the next day picking up exactly where you left off.You’re tested on key information at the end of the videos with a simplemultiple-choice question. Also, every video has the transcript text below it,so you can adsorb the information whichever way works best for you. This wasperfect for me taking the course on my iPad. One key feature that I wasn’texpecting and loved is that the course content is specific to Aqueos products,incorporating how and when to use them, which is awesome as I have the lot!
All in all, this is an incredible resource.The detail used, for example in the physiology section, increased my breadth ofknowledge dramatically. I feel hugely confident and prepared now should anyincidents occur on my dog walks. I can’t wait to get my certificate on mywebsite and boast to all my clients!