Guest Blog from Eequine

Guest Blog from Eequine

Aqueos Product Review - Courtesy of Sophie Holland of Eequine

Weall have that one equestrian product that we wouldn’t be without – for me, it’sAqueos! I would like to start thisblog/review by stating I am independent and not affiliated with Aqueos in anyway. However, I use many items in the Aqueos product range at the yard but thisreview is focused on the first product I ever used of theirs which is theAqueos Anti-Bacterial Horse Shampoo.

Iwas first introduced to Aqueos through a mutual contact who had bought me abottle of the anti-bacterial horse shampoo to use on my horse Bertie. The thing with Bertie is that he is asensitive soul and is allergic to most things leaving his delicate pink skin (heis a coloured) a deep scarlet colour and very sore; even sheath cleaners havebeen known to cause an issue but that is a different story.

Aswith all new products I did a patch test on the inside of his hind leg 24hoursbefore just to check if he would have a reaction and I was thrilled to seethere was nothing except a clean, soft and non-irritated patch. Those of you who have grey or coloured horsesor horses with white tails will empathise with the amount of effort needed to restoreyour noble steed back to the preferred version without the stable stains andgrime. This wonderful shampoo not only restored thegrubby mite back to white but also made his tail come up like spun silkcatching the light and more importantly, didn’t cause a skin reaction.

Fromthat alone you may be interested in trying this shampoo, but rest assured thatis not the best bit as here is the science behind what makes it anti-bacterialand remain kind on skin. According to theirwebsite Aqueos uses a complex blending method of chelating agents not normallyexpected to work well together to create biocides. These biocides work synergistically togetherwith each one enhancing the effect of the other. This complex mixing technology allows thebiocides to be used in extremely low concentrations which makes them harmlessto all life forms other than micro-organisms. The Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) givethe product the same hazard rating as distilled water in ready to useform. (Aqueos. 2019. The Science. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 July 2019]).

Thefact that this shampoo is not only anti-bacterial but also anti-fungal testedto EN1276, EN1650 & EN14476 means it is so versatile and useful to have onhand. It is one of the items I have inBertie’s medical kit (along with their Spray on Plaster) as it can be used forcleaning minor skin wounds, it combats itchiness and soothes minor skinirritations. Being alcohol and phenolfree it is also gentle on skin, leaving coats, manes and tails soft andsmelling great as it is also an effective deodoriser and competition safe!

Ireally can’t rate Aqueos enough regarding their high quality and affordableproducts – I’m yet to find a product of theirs I don’t like and that doesn’t dowhat it says on the bottle!