​What Every First-Time Pet Owner Needs to Know

​What Every First-Time Pet Owner Needs to Know

Photovia Pixabay by DDZPhoto

Formany first-time pet owners, figuring out all the details of caring for ananimal can be overwhelming. Keeping him safe and comfortable is imperative,which means you’ll need to go through your home and pet-proof it, make sure youhave a veterinarian lined up for checkups, and buy food, dishes, bedding, andbathroom necessities before he comes into your home. However, it’s alsoimportant to know how to bond with your new pet, how to train him, and why it’s important to ensureyour family and home are a good fit for him before making a decision.

Fortunately,all it really takes to ensure that you’re ready for your new pet is a littleplanning and organization. The first step is to go through your home to lookfor possible dangers to a pet, such as toxic plants, unstable flooring, exposedcords, or human food that would be within his reach. Go here for a list of foods that can beharmful to pets.

Witha good plan, you can prepare for your pet without any problems. Keep readingfor a few great tips on how to get started.

Puppy-Proof Your Home

Thisrule applies even if you decide to get a cat or other pet, as most animals arecurious creatures who love to explore their surroundings and will get into justabout anything that looks interesting, much like a pup or toddler. Go througheach room in your home and look for possible dangers: throw rugs that can trip him up,cords that might be chewed on, kids’ toys and stuffed animals that might lookfun to eat, and access to human food that could be toxic are the best places tostart.

Get All Your Supplies Ready

Nomatter what kind of pet you get, it’s important to have supplies ready for himbefore you bring him home. Making sure you have a comfy bed, food and dishes,toys, and treats waiting will make his transition easier and help him bond withyou and your family more easily.

It’salso a good idea to make sure your schedule is in a good place for a new pet.If you work long hours, consider hiring a dog-walker who can come and take care of hisneeds during the day. This will give you peace of mind and help keep your pupfrom acting out or damaging items in your home because he’s bored, lonely, orfrustrated.

Choose the Right Breed

Somepets are easier than others to train; some love children, while others aren’tso keen on little ones. It’s important to take your family and lifestyle intoconsideration when choosing the breed, especially if you live in anapartment or small home, where a large animal would be uncomfortable. If youhave allergies, do some research on hypoallergenic pets or choose one thatdoesn’t shed.

Bond with Your Pet

Bonding with your new pet is essential, andit’s wonderful if you can take some time off work the first week he’s home soyou can get to know one another. Take things slowly at first; introduce him toimmediate family in a calm environment so he won’t be frightened. This isespecially important if he’s a rescue animal. Fit in walks, playtime, andsnuggle time every day, and allow each family member to contribute so he canbond with everyone equally.

Gettinga new pet is a big responsibility, so make sure everyone in the family is onboard with it before you make a decision. Start with a good plan and make alist of all the things you need so that nothing gets left out. If you’reorganized and understand the work involved, getting your first pet will be abreeze.