Spray on Plaster
The award winning spray on plaster is an essential first aid item for dog, horse or any animal owner. The plaster gives a bandage-like protection by forming a barrier to protect cuts and minor wounds from dirt, water and germs. This then lets the cut or wound heal naturally while being protected.
The silver covering remains elastic and permeable to air. It is easy to apply to awkward areas and stays in place while the area heals.
Depending where the area is, the spray will last a few days and can just be re-applied as needed. It is safe if animals lick the area covered.
A handy item for any mishaps while out walking dogs or horse riding.
Used by professional dog groomers.
Competition safe for professional equestrians.
**Best Pet Care Product Award Winner** PATS Sandown 2015
- An essential for any animal lover or professionals first aid box
- Protects minor cuts and grazes from dirt, water and bacteria
- Film forming silver aluminium micronized spray
- Bandage-like protection
- Aids the natural healing process
- Remains elastic and permeable to air
- Excellent adhesive properties
- Easy to apply on awkward areas
- Stays in place while minor wound heals
- Lasts for several days
- Safe if licked by animal
Will protect horses from mud problems, ideal for post castration or post de-horning, good all round product for smallholders, equestrians and for family pets.
We used this on our Dog when she had lots of lumps which kept bleeding, this worked really well, and kept her comfortable, pity the Vets couldn't have suggested it
Brilliant, my dog had a wound that would not heal, we used this and it closed over
This is an excellent product which we always have in our stables yard veterinary kit. Works extremely well in assisting with healing.
We used this on our Dog when she had lots of lumps which kept bleeding, this worked really well, and kept her comfortable, pity the Vets couldn't have suggested it
This stuff is awesome. Had a dally with a split tail, he sprayed blood everywhere! However, this was a great fix and arrived super quick.
This worked a treat on my dogs tail. The silver colour meant I could that I had covered the whole area, unlike the clear ones where you can't see.
Using this currently on my horse who’s cut her leg and it’s great at stopping flies going into the wound and help keeping it clean.
This is an excellent product which we always have in our stables yard veterinary kit. Works extremely well in assisting with healing
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